Altinkum-Touren Sie können aktuelle Touren rund um Didim zu sehen, indem Sie unsere Tour rss feeds. Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:18:52 +0300 de <![CDATA[Eskişehir Abant Turu]]> Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:26:35 +0300


1.Day  Eskişehir and Round Trip

Eski]]> <![CDATA[FETHİYE DALYAN GÖKOVA]]> Sat, 28 Oct 2017 18:08:42 +0300

Day trip to old town Foça from altinkum by IMX TOUR, a we will never stop to organise a new trip for our guest who would like to see our,

beautiful counrty.

Foça (FOH-chah), called Phocaea in ancient times, is a popular Turkish Aeg]]> <![CDATA[Auf Der Insel Rhodos]]> Sat, 22 Apr 2017 15:45:51 +0300

Von der Insel Rhodos

gleichen Tag zurück 24,06,2017

begann in den Keller (Keller -> Rhodos -> Keller) £ 50

Ferry Typ Katamaran-sa 9:30 UHR Abfahrt 5:30 differnt Tag PMRetrun £ 80Rhodes jeden Samstag und Sonntag ganzjä]]> <![CDATA[Der BALKAN mit dem bus ]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:49:14 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Batumi Typ Flugzeug]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:44:19 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Auf Dem Gesamten BALKAN]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:39:27 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Das Opferfest Von Phuket]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:34:16 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Bangkok-Phuket Tour]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:25:25 +0300]]> <![CDATA[bangkok ]]> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 12:19:37 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Im Hochland Des Schwarzen Meeres]]> Thu, 02 Mar 2017 16:51:23 +0300]]> <![CDATA[ Griechische Inseln]]> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 16:40:32 +0300

Tur Programı





<![CDATA[Flugzeuge Des Schwarzen Meeres Nach Izmir]]> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 13:43:49 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Lykischer Art Von Didim]]> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 13:03:31 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Holz-Markt In Eskisehir]]> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 11:55:23 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Izmir Wild-Park-Reise]]> Wed, 22 Feb 2017 16:41:13 +0300Izmir Wildlife ParkDaily trip from altinkum to izmir wild park in izmir,Book your wild park daily tour from altinkum,Didim daily tour to izmir wild park every Tuesdays.The Wild Life Park, one of Europe's largest natural wildlife parks on 425,000 ]]> <![CDATA[Kusadasi Und Sirince Village]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 10:28:18 +0300Sirince Village & Kusadsi City TourVisit one of the populer holiday reasorte and take a walk around the port of Kusadası then spend some time in a lochal market after all this we will take our way to sirince villageTest home made wine Sirince Village]]> <![CDATA[Tauchen In Alitnkum]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 10:19:58 +0300Scuba Diving in AltinkumThe scuba diving in altinkum area is a great value and takes place in a number of spectacular reefs, rocky coves, scenic and historical interest.This region offers exciting dives, beautiful nature. We offer you the possibility]]> <![CDATA[Samos, Griechische Insel Übernachtung]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 10:10:07 +0300OverNight Tour to Samos Greek IslandSamos Greek IslandOvernight tour to Samos Greek island from altinkum,tour from altinkum to samos grek islans is every Saturdasy,Book your tickets from imx tour office or use other contact such as social media and p]]> <![CDATA[Pamukkale Die Cottton Burg]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 10:07:17 +0300

Dauer: Tagesausflug

Beginn und Ende: Didim, Altinkum, Akbük – Akbük, Altinkum, Didim

Übernachtung: keine Übernachtung

Tag: Samstag

Mind. und max. Gäste: 6 - 100

Preis: 130.00 TL


Pamukkale <![CDATA[Epheus Pamukkale Tour Mit Übernachtung]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 10:03:45 +0300

Dauer: 2 Tage und 1 Nacht

Beginn und Ende: Didim – Didim

Übernachtung: 1 Übernachtung

Tag: Donnerstag - Freitag

Mind. und max. Gäste: 8 - 100

Preis: 295,00 TL


Ephesos / Pamukkale Tour

<![CDATA[Samos Griechenland Insel Tour]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:55:51 +0300Samos Greek IslandSamos Greek Island From Altinkum by imx tour Toursim Travel Agency samos island trip deperture from altinkum by minibus to Kuşadası at 06:00This daily trip to samos greek island from altinkum  will give you a chance to see samos an]]> <![CDATA[Miletos Priene Bafa-See]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:55:36 +0300

Bafa See – Priene – Milet:  

Dauer: Tagesausflug Beginn und Ende:Didim und Didim Übernachtung: keine Übernachtung Tag: Samstag Mind. und max. Gäste: 4 - 100 Preis: 140.00 TL

  Bafa See:   Der Bafa See (auch Çamiçi Gölü genannt) ist]]> <![CDATA[Marmaris Täglich Tirp]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:47:01 +0300Daliy Tour from Altinkum to marmarisMarmaris is another resort city along the coast. The nature has been generous to Marmaris and environs.Mountains, pine woods and Turquoise waters meet in this region. However, the first minute you get to the city c]]> <![CDATA[Kusdasi Tagesausflug Mit Dem Bus]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:43:15 +0300

Kuşadası by Bus From Altinkum by imx tour imx tour organise a trip for thoes who want to see kusdasi holiday resort, Daily tour to kusadsi from altinkum will give you 6 hourse free time for shopping and sightseeing.Kuşadası is one of Turkey's ]]> <![CDATA[Kos-Griechische Insel]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:36:30 +0300

Dauer: Tagesausflug

Beginn und Ende: Didim und Altinkum

Übernachtung: keine Übernachtung

Tag: Dienstag und Freitag

Mind. und max. Gäste: 4 - 44

Preis: 130.00 TL


Griechische Insel Kos

<![CDATA[Jeep-Safari In Altinkum]]> Mon, 20 Feb 2017 09:25:11 +0300

Jeep Safari In Altinkum EVERYDAYGuaranteed Best RatesNo Booking FeesJeep Safari in Altinkum is not something that you should miss!We are known to have tours consisting of small groups to offer an even more personalized service. Our tour guide has ]]> <![CDATA[Istanbul Täglich Und Pauschalreisen]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:23:24 +0300THE SHOWCASE OF TURKEYTours from Altinkum to İstanbul,There is two option from Altinkum to İstanbul,By Bus ; Bus travel from altinkum to istanbul is about 11 hourse.By Plane only 55 minutes fom bodrum airport or izmir adnanmenderes airport.imx tour t]]> <![CDATA[Horse Safari In Kusadsi ]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:20:09 +0300Horse safariGuaranteed Best RatesNo Booking Fees If you want to experience a horse safari it is easy to book in the centre of altinkum with imx tour. Riding in the hills, stopping for lunch and riding back along the beach or in the water is a really]]> <![CDATA[Horsa Safari In Altinkum]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:16:11 +0300

Horse safari in AltinkumGuaranteed Best RatesNo Booking Fees If you want to experience a horse safari it is easy to book in the centre of altinkum with imx tour.Horse Safari is an all together different experience which let's the visitors trac]]> <![CDATA[Türkisches Bad In Altinkum]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:06:25 +0300Turkish bath in Altinkum Befor you start your holiday or if you would like to get btter tanned them you need to visit turkish bath first.After a tukish bath in altinkum you will fee like a new parson!Traditionally, a whole range of paraphernalia is a]]> <![CDATA[Didim Aquapark in Altinkum]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 18:00:35 +0300Day: EverydayDep time: 10:00 11:00Return time 16:00 17:00 18:00Aqua Park in altinkumIf you are spending your holiday or locally staying in Altinkum you probably know local Aquapark in Didim.İt’s onliy 10 munites a way from town book your ticket with ]]> <![CDATA[Dalyan Turle Beach Schlammbad]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 17:18:14 +0300

Dalyan İztuzu Plajı = Dalyan İztuzu Strand   Dauer: Tagesausflug Beginn und Ende: Altinkum und Altinkum Übernachtung: keine Übernachtung Tag: Sonntag Mind. und max. Gäste: 8 - 44 Preis: 140.00 TL   Die Entfernung von Altinkum nach Dalyan Köycegiz ]]> <![CDATA[Kappadokien Pauschalreisen Von Altinkum]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 17:06:28 +0300

Highlights: Devrent Valley ( Imagination Valley), Pasabag (known as monk valley) Lunch at Avanos, Red river ( Kızılırmak), Goreme open air museum, Uchisar castle, Rose Valley, Cavusin, Pigeons Valley, Kaymakli Underground City, Ortahisar Nat]]> <![CDATA[Bodrum Stadt Milas Höhle]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 16:02:17 +0300

Bodrum Milas İncir Cave Daily tour to bodrum milas incirli cave frım altinkum by imx tour.

If this is your first time in Turkey and never been to Bodrum?

We strongly recommend you to go Bodrum not only bodrum you will have vhance t]]> <![CDATA[Baot Btrip In Altinkum]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 15:47:54 +0300

Boat Trip in AltinkumDaily boat trip in altikum or 5 island tour,5-Island Boat TripA chilling-out day trip, calm and crystal blue waters. Sea breeze to cool you down, beautiful views around the Aegean coast. Boat trips from Altinkum run everyday. ]]> <![CDATA[Pergamon-Ephesus, Sirince Dorf]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 15:35:35 +0300

Dauer: 2 Tage und 1 Nacht

Abfahrt-Rückankunft: Didim – Altinkum

Unterkunft: 1 Übernachtung

Datum: von Donnerstag bis Freitag

Personenzahl: Mindestens 6 Personen

Preis: 395,00 TL


Die Ephesos]]> <![CDATA[Aqua Fantasy Water Park in Kusadasi ]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 13:31:45 +0300FEEL YOUR HOLIDAY... Daily tour to aqua fanytasy from altinkum, Trip to aqua fantasy aqua park from altinkum by imx tour evey wednesday and friday.Two state-of-the art hotels are side consist of 2 and 3 story structures surrounded by paradise, blue]]> <![CDATA[Aphrodisias-Touren Täglich & Paket]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 13:19:21 +0300Aphrodisias Tours Daily tour to aphrodisias ancient city from altinkum and other cities of Turkey. The beautiful city Aphrodisias is one of the finest archaeological sites of Anatolia Turkey, still partly excavated and partly undiscovered.  The nam]]> <![CDATA[Pamukkale Aphrodisias Karahayıt kaklık Höhle]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 13:05:47 +0300


Afrodisias war die Hauptstadt von Lydien. Es lag 38 km südlich von Nazili, dem heutigen Ort


Begünstigt durch die nahe gelegenen Steinbrüche, erblühte eine umfangreiche Marmor

Industrie. Afrodisias ]]> <![CDATA[Adalan Wasserpark In Kusadasi]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 12:59:20 +0300Adaland Aqua Park in Kusadasi Daily tour to adalan aqua park from altinkum to kusadasi  aqau park,book your adaladn aqau park ticket from our office in altinkum or you by e-mail,phone and soscial media. Excusions to Adaland aqua park trip from alti]]> <![CDATA[Abant-tour]]> Sun, 19 Feb 2017 12:31:55 +0300]]> <![CDATA[Ephesus Und Artemis-Tempel]]> Thu, 02 Feb 2017 13:47:01 +0300

Dauer: 2 Tage und 1 Nacht
Abfahrt-Rückankunft: Didim – Altinkum
Unterkunft: nicht vorhanden
Datum: von Donnerstag bis Sonntag
Personenzahl: Mindestens 6 Personen
Preis: 395,00 TL

Die Ephesos Tour beginnt und e]]>