Tauchen In Alitnkum

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Region: # Didim

Auf der Karte

Didim, Aydın
Latitude:37.367973 Länge:27.266693
Scuba Diving in AltinkumThe scuba diving in altinkum area is a great value and takes place in a number of spectacular reefs, rocky coves, scenic and historical interest.This region offers exciting dives, beautiful nature. We offer you the possibility to enjoy very comprehensive diving courses, whether for beginners, or for those who would like to develop their diving skills further. Scuba diving in Turkey is a relatively new activity that's gaining popularity especially in the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts. Although it cannot be compared with destinations like the Red Sea or the Caribbean in terms of marine flora and fauna, Turkish waters offer other opporunities to be discovered and attract divers from all over the world.imx tour Travel agency which offer specialized diving trips increase in number and the quality of the services offered increase also. Tour  Rate From AltinkumPER PERSON€ 40  £ 35DAYEvery day  / Dep : 10:00Icluded: acupmant, transport to/from- lunch, baot trip • Pick up to/from  Altınkum didim• 1 dive all acupmant  • Services charges and local taxes.Not Included: Drinks,2.div (2. Dive € 20 £ 15 ) ask for 2.div. 



Tauchen In Alitnkum Lage


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